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This article, Inugami Style: Daten, is the property of Dynamite. Plagiarism, unauthorized alteration or blatant disrespect will result in your banishment.
editInugami Style: Daten Camera font awesome
Great Ball despair
Kanji 犬神 堕転
Rōmaji Inugami-ryuu: Daten
Literal English Degeneration and Revolve
Appears in Anime, Manga
Classification Hiden
Class Offensive
Range All ranges
Other jutsu
Parent jutsu

Dan created this technique after witnessing Naruto Uzumaki perform his signature technique against an enemy. After continuous training, and mastering his chakra control, Dan mixed it with his superb understanding of Inugami and Inugami style.


It begins with understanding that Inugami possess immense amounts of concentrated hatred, ill will, horrible feelings. Tainted souls with unimaginable pain from their suffering coursing through their spiritual bodies. Inugami mochi are able to connect with this frightening darkness and ease it. Freeing Inugami by feeding their own positive emotions, effectively transmuting it. But some Inugami masters can absorb this darkness out of Inugami. Leaving Inugami free to pass onto the next realm. It is sort of a purifying process. Similar to squeezing an orange for its juice. This often appears as dark Inugami spirits emerging from their summoners body before disappearing.

After comprehending this ability, Dan learned that he could manipulate an Inugami's dark energy after extracting it. And as he did so, Lord Inuzuka added shape manipulation. Giving this dark energy a form. A sphere similar to Naruto's Rasengan. Heavily rotating before him or within his palm. As the pinnacle of chakra control, Daten expands depending on how much Dan charges it. Sending a larger amount of darkness into this ball causes it to reach incredible sizes. Enough that it could block out a village's sun. However, doing so requires tremendous time. Which Dan has to focus on sending Inugami into a focal point. Smaller, more instant attacks remain palm sized, and are intended for lesser targets.

Upon contact, this ball acts as a powerful blast of chakra. Often sending his opponent spiraling back. Dan can thrust it at a target or even throw it. Giving him the option of short or long distance. But the attack is rarely a kill shot.

On a larger scale, Dan's Daten is able to cause immense concussive damage to its surroundings. Releasing compacted chakra outwards like a shockwave. Forcing everything in its vicinity away from its impact zone. The bigger the ball, the stronger its shock wave. Being enough to totally decimate those under it.

Although it causes incredible damage, Daten revolves around corruption and tainting. Hence its uselessness against inorganic enemies or obstacles. It corrodes the soul. Morally tainting them. Causing immense, concentrated hatred to travel through their spirits. It is like Dan stuck a needle into one's body and squeezed centuries of evilness directly into one's soul.

Enemies are then pushed into instant insanity, suicide, or overall an lost of human consciousness. Stronger willed opponents feel a dark dog barking rapidly inside their psyche. Each bark sending non stop hatred into them. They experience their souls corrode.

Physically, their skin turns black from the point of impact. Slowly spreading until their entire body is obsidian.

Transforming men into instinctual beast unable to call themselves men no longer.
