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Kurumi's Swordplay

"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Property: Capitalism 101."

This article, The Lacking Pity Party, belongs solely to The Great Swordsman and cannot be utilized without his permission. Otherwise, you'll find yourself in pieces. If you wish to use the contents of this article, make a concise request on his page.
Acnologia's Roar This page, The Lacking Pity Party is property of The Breadstick King. Use or Edit it without permission and face the unholy wrath of my Unlimited Breadstick Works.

The place was its typical rowdy self. Packed full of drunks and other revelry commencing at a dizzying pace. For the second time tonight Nueteki asked herself why she frequented such establishments. The people tended to irritate her due to their open acts of greed and vice, cementing views that needed no further confirmation. She could even see a couple making out in the most deprecating of manners. In such a madhouse though, their acts of lust went unnoticed. Perhaps the one positive was that she could blend in with the ubiquitous bar; since most people were compromised or easily intimidated, her presence was often ignored. In all honesty, most of her assignments and assassinations were given to her in such chaotic locations. The overwhelming noise proved just as an effective of a cover as perfect silence. Plus most were deep in their cups anyways. Nue grinned darkly as she thought of her growing reputation in the underbelly. Skilled in the art of murder, it was the one thing that she had honed to the point of utilizing it in a variety of settings. She was no simple assassin; the woman proved just as effective in formal combat as she was in calculated murder. Nevertheless, her bandaged arm proved to be notable for one of the drunken men.

He ambled over. "What's a young woman like you doing in here? Looking to get some? It's a shame about that arm of yours. You could be a pretty if wild thing if it weren't for that flaw." the man slurred, clearly intoxicated. "Fuck off cunt." she retorted, her words like ice that stabbed at the man with each syllable. "Don't worry little woman, I'll make sure you're taken care of by what I have to offer. I'm pretty big you know." he stated callously before snatching her good arm with the intent to drag her away to an unspecified alley. Within seconds she went from sitting to standing, turning to grab the man by the throat with her bandaged arm before slamming him headfirst into one of the wooden tables. "A little bitch like you wouldn't know what to do with me." she smiled maliciously, crushing the man's windpipe as he struggled to breathe. The room quieted as another man looked to intervene. "Take this shit with you." she snarled, her feral gold eyes burning before she whipped the barely alive drunk in his direction. Causing the two males to careen backwards while slamming into a wall. Fracturing it from the force of her throw. Instantly she was tired of this place. "Hell's waiting for you all. I'll be the one to greet you at it's gates." she said grinning at the other patrons. Striding out the door as the few coherent individuals recognized who she was. "That's Lucifer's Spawn....Lady of Hell herself." they whispered, terror in their voices as they looked at the now deceased drunk and his heavily injured "savior".

Did all these drunken slobs have to be such pigs. It was a question Datenshi asked himself every-time he entered one of these bars. He downed his glass in one gulp and waved over the bartender. "So is your boss going to show is face or am I going to have to get my payment." He spoke with a clam voice, however his face showed pure malice. Datenshi hated being confined to these stupid bars longer than he needed to be. Though it was simply waiting that he had no tolerance for. At least that girl had given him a little show, that was a nice treat. He stared at the bartender waiting for an answer, his dark blue hair hanging over his eyes. The man was obviously startled but stepped back and gave a small smile. "I'm sorry sir just please wait a moment more." He spat out as he shuffled through the a door in the back. Datenshi sat waiting for a few more moments before standing up. Just then the man ran back in. "Please wait sir my boss will be out in just a.." Crash The man's face was slammed on the bar's table in an instant. His limp body was then tossed across the room, sliding along the bar and knocking other patrons drinks to the floor.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL?" A cry rang up from the patrons as they stood from their chairs, some drawing weapons. Datenshi stood and strode by them, walking up to the crumpled man. A swift kick to the skull turned his lights out for good, then with a rip his hand was removed. Datenshi turned back to the patrons and some stepped back in fear. He turned his eyes to them, two glowing orbs or red and blue under a sea of black. He held up the hand to the light and spoke. "Were you ever in perfect situation, gliding by on cheating or truth? Those moments never last, eventually everyone holds their final hand and then they are judged. This is the hand of one of those men, he held the king of spades." Datenshi spoke and the crow reeled back. Most apologizing profusely and some running from the bar. They all knew the meaning of that phrase, this was no ordinary man. That phrase he spoke was common throughout the gang that ruled these areas, Dead Man's Hand. However they always spoke a card number at the end, identifying their rank. This man was no mere member, this man was the king of spades. He calmly walked through the door and turned the corner, leaving the bar behind. He strode forward at a higher pace than usual before playing his hand on the shoulder of a man who had been walking down the street. In a flash they were within the nearby alley. A large thud could be heard as Datenshi slammed the man's skull into the hard brick wall of the building beside them. "When I ask for my payment I expect it, not one of your little dashes. I gave you more time than I wanted to yet here you are running. You thought I was some low level garbage didn't you. Didn't want to bother with me huh." His words rattled through the man's head as his head was slammed against the wall again. He tried to utter something but was cut off again by Datenshi. "Don't you dare speak to me again. Have the money in the gangs hands within the hour and be out of town within the day. If you stay one more second I will personally string you up by your guts." He spat giving the man another good slam and walking out of the alleyway.

She yawned before repeated slamming and muttering grabbed her attention. She returned to see the male continuously crack the guy's head against before tossing him away. As he passed Nueteki she grinned. "Poor thing. What did he ever do to you?" she crooned. Recognizing Datenshi for the predator that he is. Turning she gave him a shark-like smile. "Want to talk about it?" Nue asked, her golden gaze full of madness. She felt her demon arm twitch slightly. "Awh. It appears that it likes you. Perhaps you have an interesting story to tell. Surely it is better then that dreadful place known as a bar." Nueteki responded. Her gaze raked over his appearance, feeling undertones of killing intent not unlike her own. Surprisingly, she found such vibes comforting, speaking to her in a way that brought about a warped sense of happiness. "You like murder too?" she questioned curiously. Excited about a potential partner with which she could continue her work on the black market. It was a rather enjoyable affair after all. The act also allowed her to forget what she had done to her baby sister. Even now she wondered if she should have killed the girl. Though self-preservation screamed at her that she had done the right thing. There was no way that a little child like that would love a monster like her. She shrugged externally, her face returning to a state of boredom. "Well?" Nue pressed.

Datenshi stopped in his tracks, how annoying it was for someone to talk to him about his business. He looked down at the girl and noticed she was the same one he had saw in the bar earlier. Her barrage of questions annoyed her. The man had tried to screw him over and he was punished for it. His story was his own not a conversational peace to dish out to every nobody in the streets. However it brought up an interesting realization. Her arm pulsed and she referred to it as a separate being. He continued to walk but motioned to her to follow him as he turned into a dark alleyway. He stopped a good way down the dirty path and turned to the girl. "Let me make this clear the only reason I'm even talking to you is that you're part demon." He spoke as he stared at her, his expression plain as ever. "That man and I had business. My story is my own. Murder is done when it is needed." He spat out the sentences in a very matter a fact tone, treating them as nothing but answers. "However that arm of yours interests me greatly, how did you come to acquire the arm of a demon?"

She laughed at his irritation and clear annoyance; it amused the woman greatly. Having followed him the designated alleyway, she casually leaned against the wall. "So rude. Must be fun holding a superiority complex." Nueteki said, her voice deadly serious. "A businessman of the Underworld. How cute. And here I thought people took greater pains when it came to anonymity. Not that I care." the woman shrugged. Her amusement returned when he posed a question of his own. "You expect me to tell such a personal narrative when you refuse to divulge your own? Such an inflated self-opinion; you could also do with a little charisma. It might help your business matters." Nue added. Displaying a very keen intuition behind that anarchical glare. She aspired to be a Ph.D student once; how long ago that felt. It was almost like someone else had lived that story. Like all good things, her interest quickly faded. The abrupt demeanor of the man made conversation a chore, even if it passed the time. Standing once more, Nueteki turned to the alleyway's exit. Grinning over her shoulder, she poured every bit of psychopathy into her smile. "Nice talking to you. Work on your professionalism for the next time we meet." she said, walking down the alleyway. She was figured a good rest wouldn't be remiss now that festivities had died down. A few new assignments awaited her after all.

"You don't seem to understand this girl. I would like to know the origin of this arm of yours." His emotionless words drifted along as a bubble of darkness surrounded the alleyway. "If you've ever heard of Dead Man's Hand then yeah you probably know of me. At this point I'm gonna assume you love to piss people off. Your tone is false anyone with a basic understand of deception can see that. It seems that your a hired assassin, It's not hard to connect the dots. A girl with a bandaged arm and murderous tendencies, the hired killer known as the Lady of Hell. Quite interesting to see you wandering around in daylight, you seem to be a night person." Datenshi didn't play games, he knew who she was. The gang had information about every area they influenced, finding a top assassin was a peace of cake for a man with Datenshi's memory. "Now If you would cut the act the sole reason I'm still talking to you is that I hunt demons. I want to know the origin of that arm or I'm going to have to assume you're probably possessed. In that case you're going to die."

Nueteki paused before turning. Giving him a death stare. "Casually throwing out pseudonyms. And you don't seem to understand this boy; my arm is none of your concern. As for your assessment, I am a bit of a night person. And last time I checked it is indeed the night time." Nue smirked before pointing to the full moon above. She shrugged once more, "Who said it's an act? I'm many things. Being a prick is just one of them." The woman laughed. "So much for introductions King of Spades. Mismatched eyes of navy blue and blood red. I'd almost say they were endearing. Too bad their recipient is less so." she retorted before facing him once more. "You're used to getting everything you want don't you? Are you scared of a little demon running amok? Wouldn't such a stance be hypocritical since you're one as well?" Nue stated plainly before a devilish grin alit her face. "This arm is mine. It's always been mine. Sure we've hit a rough patch but its a part of me. Hence your questioning and assumption of possession are quite misplaced. Besides, people grow like weeds anyways. What's wrong with a couple disappearing now and then?" the woman retorted, unmoved by his threats of violence.

"It's funny how you think I care about whether you murder people or not." The man laughed , placing a hand on his head. "I kill on a daily basis you think I care about some assassin. Hell we've had agents hire you for certain jobs. You always go the job done so well and it's no wonder. You've had that arm this whole time. Datenshi finally cracked a smile. "If you really won't tell me i'll just have to take a look for myself." With those words the air around them turned cold. The shadows reached out for her arm in all directions, aiming to slice the badges off of her arm. Meanwhile blades quite reminiscent of a certain tool shot from his sleeves. "Just show me the arm girl."

Those weapons looked like bad news as far she was concerned. She remembered war stories based upon the effectiveness of those tools: that an imitation was now in the hands of an adversary displeased her. "So glad you show concern for the lives of others." Nue teased, noting that she had come across the organization in the past. With them taking comfort in her ability to make targets cease to exist. Whipping out one of her kunai blades, she cut up the attacking with a whirlwind of motion. "Sorry, I don't pay attention to patronizing people. Feel free to work for what you want though." Nue issued playfully, twirling her first kunai blade while grasping a second, "I'd hate for you to be bored with things simply handed to you." The woman eviscerated the shadows with a practiced disdain, her bandaged arm remaining quiet for now.

Datenshi's face did not show it but within his mind he was smiling, this would be fun. "Nothing I have was handed to me since I was a child. I gained everything through my own work and will. Until I joined this gang I had no allies." He replied. The shadows that Nue had so happily sliced shot right at her arm. No matter the shape or form they were reduced to they could always combine, they could always move. The movement was so surprising and sudden that even a skilled shinobi would at least be grazed by one. As this happened Datenshi continued talking. "The world is a dark dark place miss assassin, I'd hate for a woman of stature such as yourself to get caught up in it." He joked, as if assassins had any nobility in society.

Such casual banter suited Nueteki, causing her grin to widen. "Such a honest hardworking man. It's a shame that society would reduce you to such disagreeable circumstances." she retorted with a chuckle. A broadening smile on his part only caused her to switch her tactics. Resorting to a dual wielding mode that allowed her to feverishly defend against his continued onslaught. She was no ordinarily skilled shinobi; rather her tactics had been forged in darkness and corruption. No child of the light could stave off such intent like she could. Though the shadows tempted her with their continued attempts at an embrace. "Don't worry dear, I'll try my best to remain above the influence. Though I must say I'm worried for you." she teased. His change in demeanor piqued her interest considerably, causing her to change her mind. "Call back your shadows. You'll have your heart's desire." Nue affirmed, continuously chatting as if she could deal with these belligerent shadows all day. Which in all honesty she could. But that wouldn't be any fun now would it.

"Of course you will wont you." Datenshi replied. Noting her skilled handiwork, she was incredibly quick on the draw, far above the average shinobi. She then asked him to withdraw his own shadows and he would get what he desired. It was funny considering how confident she was but asked him to stop. Whether it was internal doubt in her abilities, simple boredom or another factor he could really care less. Datenshi had places to be too, this was wasting his time. With a flick of his wrist the shadows ceased movement and withdrew from her, slinking back to their domain. "I wouldn't call it my hearts desire, more like a simple question I want answered." The man spoke, awaiting her move. "The stage is yours."

Nueteki grinned at the shadows withdrew. She tucked away her two blades; boredom ruled the day, and she had developed a genuine interest in what he was up to. "Ready to behold unspeakable horrors?" Nue teased, wiggling her eyebrows in dramatic fashion. With one swift tug, the elaborate bandaging was undone, falling to the ground in a heap. Free to the world once more was the arm. Red as a river of blood and notably grotesque; with the previous protection the hand appeared vaguely human. But there was no mistaking its daemonic origins now. "Does this appall you? Revolt you? Scream abomination and bring forth bile to your lips?" she questioned, flexing the clawed extremity. "I assume you'd love to here the origin story as well." Nueteki continued before motioning for him to get comfortable. "Let's see. Recapping what I said earlier, this arm always belonged to me. It's current form is a heavy mutation of my formerly human appendage. Let's just say my parents weren't role models and had to much ambition for their own good. That I lacked aptitude in nature transformation when both of them possessed affinities irked my mother and father to no end. So they did the logical Amegakure thing: take such a matter to the underground/black market. Don't ask me how, but they found a doctor who claimed to be able to resolve my inadequacy. He injected what appeared to be a serum in my left arm; it likely contained traces of demon DNA and other genetic samples. Given the shadiness of such an affair, I wouldn't be surprised if he found some way to attain such goods." Nueteki said with an icy smile.

"Obviously my guardians weren't pleased with such a result. Though apparently the admixture awakened a dormant KG that hadn't appeared in my line for generations. Either way, I had to bandage it like you saw now. Unfortunately, I wasn't as skilled back then as I am now, and during the following chūnin exams a swordsman landed a blow on this little addition, baring it to the crowds around and above. Don't worry, I crushed him during his shock, but let's just say I wasn't welcome at home after that. My progenitors formally disowned me and put me out on the streets. I honestly can't thank them enough for that decision as I wouldn't be half the assassin I am today. Plus they had moved on from me anyways, finding a new child to occupy their attention. Nevertheless, I took care and things and here we are today." the woman finished, her expression tranquil. She expected Datenshi to question what happened to this child and her parents. And she was prepared to give him the information in very clear cut detail.

Datenshi listened to her tale, his interest rising and falling as the story went on. As the badges fell his eyes widened no in disgust but interest. At her comment about his feeling on her arm he simply laughed. "This is but an arm, no more no less." He spoke, his voice returning to it's normal calmness. As he listened to more of her story he learned how the arm came to be. "Oh so you're artificially made then. Stupid Ame doctors think they can mess with demons." Datenshi muttered under his breath. It wasn't the first time someone had used demonic parts on a human before and it wouldn't be the last. "So what I'm getting so far is that you didn't live up to your parents expectations and they decided to have some whack in a lab coat pump you full of drugs. Then their little girl became too grotesque for them and despite what she did to try and please them they replaced her. I'm assuming the next line of this story is something about revenge and murder, possibly both." Datenshi predicted, most of these went like this. "Let's hear the end of your play."

The returning smile was full of malice. "It sounds like you've heard this tale before." Nueteki responded. "Let's address the last portion. Starting from where I left off, I spent quite a bit of time on the streets of Amegakure. Possibly years. It was difficult to keep track of time in those days. I adapted though, becoming used to this new development." she admitted, wiggling the fingers of that hand. "Since both of my parents were veterans, they had weaved quite the story about me, deflecting any blame from themselves. So once all was in order, I decided to pay them a visit. I must say I was surprised to see them holding a baby. As you noted so matter of factly, they had replaced with a "proper" child. It didn't take a brilliant sensor to feel the potency of my sister's affinity. But I digress. During that visit I ultimately assumed a more harmless and forgettable form in order to gain entry. We chatted about their lives and other harmless subjects. And then I made my move, incapacitating the two by cutting off their limbs while taking their precious child." she paused. What malice existed on her face morphed into something darker, more satanic. "They had front row seats as they watched me hold my baby sister, cooing at the innocent little child while chastising them for not allowing me to hold her all this time. Then I snapped her neck, placing the corpse to the side while I carved up the two of them like sack of meat they were. I dumped them somewhere, though I forget where. I gave my sister a proper burial though; she couldn't help what family she was born into. After that I officially left." Nueteki finished, her curled lip fading into a face of boredom.

"Of course I have." Boredom was still present on Datenshi's face. He listened as the curtain call of the play finally came, it was as he expected. Some girl fucked up her family and killed the one that replaced her before her. A story of anger and revenge, the final point where she could no longer return. This was what led her to her to the life she lived today. Finally moving after her speech Datenshi's blades retracted but his face remained unchanged. "Good for you I guess." He spoke, not really caring about the emotion or message of her story, the trauma she suffered did not even touch him. "You know you might make a good gang member one day." He mused pondering the thought, it wasn't uncommon for him to take people off the streets and recruit them. If they had talent they had it and as long as they had the right attitude Datenshi could stand them.

That he was unmoved by the narrative didn't surprise her. His earlier displays revealed him to be a person that generally lacked emotional content, with only the most extreme of situations earning a break from his stony expression. She shrugged at his half-baked response, before hearing his statement. "Me a gang member? Perish the thought. I'm not one for such an irritating line of work. Nor would your group appreciate such an abomination in their midst." she noted, picking up the discarded bandages before expertly wrapping her arm once more. Hiding its malformed nature once more. "I'm too much of a monster to be among your kind. Hell, I'm not even natural. This perverted thing came from a test tube, not some intercourse between a demon and a human. Simply put, the lone road is mine to keep. I'm already dispersed mentally." she noted. Despite her calm explanation of this, one could clearly see the madness behind her eyes. Having fallen from the precipice of sanity by a rejection and erasure from those she loved coupled with the injection of this demon entity into her system. Even her strength of mind could not shoulder such a burden alone, and thus it was crushed under the planet known as her problems. Atlas had fallen.

She was broken, alone, and cloning to her very sanity. Most people watching this would probably shed a tear or offer a hand to her. Some would tell her everything would be alright and some would comfort her and tell her she was perfect. "You sound like a whiny little bitch you know." Datenshi spoke, he was a man of reality. Datenshi had grow up in horrible conditions and he associated with those who grew up in far worse. "When I was eight my entire clan tired to murder me, my mother died and I was banished from my homeland. It was because I'm half demon. And you don't see my crying my eyes out over the state of the world." Datesnhi spoke in his usual calm voice. "You aren't special. I've heard of 12 others who've had almost the exact some story except worse. I know others who are literal lab experiments, some who want to be good but can't. I've met those who were banished from their homelands due to war. I know one such man who was the prodigy of an entire village and when he failed them they locked him away until he destroyed them all, everyone he knew. My boss himself killed his entire clan over a disagreement. He lives everyday knowing the horror of what he's done and with the memories of who they were. Yet all of us don't complain, we never think of ourselves as abominations or whatever. What has happened has happened and we live with that. We all respect our pasts." Datenshi delivered this with emotion. He hated people who dared to take on the attitude that they had horrible lives and should be given privileges or shunned or had no place. Those mindsets were pathetic. "Your life, your burden, your history is nothing compared to others and if they can accept it so can you. So stop being a whiny bitch and suck it up."

Nueteki roared with laughter at his indifference; her psychotic ways allowed self-loathing to turn into a maddening glee at the drop of a hat. For the woman had truly lost her mind a long time ago. "Thank god you're one of this people. I swear, if you had offered me pity or a kind word I would have ripped your head off. There's no need for such putrid expressions or empty phrases. That you all have similar if not worse "sob" stories is rather interesting." Nue snickered. That she had elicited such a tale was partly a test to see how he would react. "That you've shown yourself to be a callous, heartless cunt is something I must say is rather admirable. I presume the rest of your gang hold similar temperaments. Perhaps I should take a lesson from you all and just not give a fuck about the consequences. Discounting other people's lives sounds fun actually." she continued, baring a nightmarish grin. His effort to take her down a few pegs did nothing for her demeanor. If anything, she enjoyed his cold hearted demeanor, no frills and ready to tear that even the most lofty of individuals. "You remind me of my parents. They had the same disposition. Touting how I was nothing compared to them." she mused, her voice temporarily melancholy. "But then I killed them. I was they were more lowly then I thought." The woman took out one of her kunai blades before licking it. Finding it as delightfully sharp as ever. "What can I say, life is fascinating when I can meet bastards like you." she added.

Datenshi's mouth curled into smile. "You're quite the fucked up bitch yourself." The man replied. "I must say I haven't met someone quite like you in while. If you wish you may join our gang, maybe even my assistant, captain of the spade branch, if I'm feeling nice." Datenshi was a little excited about this new possible recruit, especially since she possessed a demon arm. He always wanted an apprentice but they usually died, too soft. This one would put up a fight though and that could be interesting. "Regardless I'll have to take you to meet the boss but I have a warning and a couple of rules." His tone becoming serious again. "If you chose to come with me and the boss dislikes you or you have second thoughts, you're dead. There are different rules once you're in but until then that is how it goes. As for the personal rules I'm giving to you if you ever become one of "those" people then I will choke you to death with your arm. Provided you're accepted if you mouth off to me during an important meeting or mission I'm demoting you to something horrible. Any other time feel free to call me the vilest names imaginable." The man finished, looking to her for her final response.

Nueteki motioned with mock surprise, "There's someone above the exalted? And here I thought you were your own man." she teased. "I guess I can join up. The whole assassin trade is nice and all but having a bunch of shits to come back to is always refreshing." Nueteki grinned. "Don't worry, when I commit to something, it is done. I'm not sure how comrades would feel that some random girl is suddenly their superior though. Not that I care, I'd have plenty of ways to keep them in line. Also, I'm make sure to delve into my toolbox vulgarity and use some of the most colorful language imaginable." she finished thoughtfully. This whole gang thing sounded rather exciting; at the very least it was a break from the usual. "You mean a sad little bitch down on her luck? That won't happen. It's too much fun irritating the hell of out you. Like I'll compromise the opportunity to do that on a repeated basis." Nueteki snorted before. "So I suppose this boss will be the next destination? That I can receive the seal of approval before returning to what I do best." The woman's accompanying smile was terrifying, encompassing such vehement malevolence that served her well in the past; conforming to her like a second skin.

"It's possible you wont return to assassination. However granted your skill the boss will probably send some jobs your way to pass the time." Datenshi replied. "Also my name is Datenshi by the way." He added as he reached out his hand towards the wall beside them. The wall of the building shimmered before ripping open into a golden ring of swirling energy. "This way." He commented as he stepped through the portal with Nueteki not far behind. They emerged in a lush room that smelled of wine and flowers. To their back was a large wall with a door that probably led outwards, two waterfalls sat on either side of it. The left side of the room was a gigantic bookshelf, filled with countless files, novels, and other texts. The right side of the room had a small bar-like area with a pool table and a fridge full of what was probably wine. Two chair sat near the pool table next to a roaring fireplace. Before them was a lush red rug that leg from the door to a large wooden desk. Behind that desk was a chair that faced towards the back wall, which was a giant window overlooking a mountainous desert. Within the chair sat a person dressed in red. "Hey boss I have a new recruit here I'm thinking about having her be my captain." Datenshi shouted as the portal closed behind them.

The chair swiveled around to face the two and there sat "the boss". He was a tall man wearing a large white mask with a painted smile on it. His gray hair was slicked back under his red top hat and his white gloved hands rested on the table. He wore a striking red suit with a white shirt and a black bowtie, all crisp and clean. "Datenshi when will you ever use an inside voice with me, it's absurd how recalcitrant you are." His voice rang out across the room. It was a melodic voice, calm and warm, almost like honey to the ears. "This is our new one them hmm? Tell me your name dear girl, along with three traits that you posses that are useful. After that I'd like to know why you want to join us." The man spoke as he stood from his chair and moved to the bar. He gracefully pulled a bottle from the glass fridge and pure it into three wine glasses. "Champagne anyone?"

Nueteki pouted. "Shame, I like assassination. Oh well, I suppose I have to expand my horizons eventually." the woman responded. "Nueteki. Pleasure to meet you chump." she said, before following him through the portal. "Shame on you for holding out on me, able to casually create portals." Nue looked about the establishment, before gravitating towards the massive shelves, filled to the brim with books and other fascinating texts. She plucked out a single novel, reading its title. "A Hobbesian? How interesting. I see you're a rather cultured individual. I prefer Kant personally, though I find Hobbes to have a refreshingly stark perspective. He didn't feel the need to sugarcoat matters." Nueteki mused, before placing the book in its rightful location on the shelf. For a second they would catch of a glimpse of the girl before her psyche fracture. A bright intellectual who curiosity and fascination with the social sciences showcased a versatility rarely seen in those from her village. Her eyes browsed the various titles, recognizing most if not all of them. Perhaps she should have been a diplomat instead of a kunoichi. But like her physique, Nue's mind was permanently altered by her lurking psychopathy; the idea of spending quality time behind a dusty old desk did not amuse her. So she turned to the person in question, having ignored Datenshi's obnoxious shouting. "My name is Nueteki. As for my three traits that are of use, I would have to say sharp, silent, and deadly." Nue stated, an satanic smirk on her face. A world submerged in the onslaught of hell pleased her immensely, causing such an expression to deepen as insanity crept in. "As for why I wanted to join...I suppose you could say the solitary life of an assassin proved dull at times. Besides, I've been employed by your group in the past. I must say I like what you've done with the place." she noted aloud before watching him pour champagne. "I'll take some thank you." Nue said, reaching for a glass before staring at its contents intently.

The Boss let out a jubilant laugh as he raised the glass to his mask and poured it onto it. The wine seemed to disappear as it touched the mask but apparently he was drinking it. He placed the emptied glass down on the bar and strode back to his desk, sitting gracefully upon it, one leg over the other. "Well you certainly aren't just a street urchin are you then. It's wonderful to have someone who knows culture. Personally Lovecraft is dear to me, I keep my special ones in a separate library." He let out a sigh and seemed to let his mind wander to their wonder for a second. Then within a moment his mind was back on course. "Nueteki hmm, such a lovely name. It translates to mysterious in some texts." He spoke with a smile. "Sharp, deadly, and silent, those are quite nice qualities to have I'm sure you would make an excellent captain indeed." The last statement was quite a joy to hear. "I see so we have employed you before, how interesting. I'll look into those files later. For now I suppose you're in but I would like you to meet your superior officers. Datenshi will take you to them when you're ready. For now if you have any other questions please ask." He spoke in a harmonic tone.

Nueteki carefully drank the entirety of the champagne glass before placing it on the table once more. She could immediately taste the higher quality present in the drink. "This is far better than that shit you find at those bars." she thought to herself. "Indeed I'm not. I've dabbled in such obtuse subject matter since I was a small child. Their musings were rather enlightening to me. Though I suppose they didn't offer anything valuable pertaining to friendships. But they were largely concerned with the objective, not the fickle and inconsistent. Truth is the be all and end all for philosophers after all." she pondered. "Excellent. I thank you for your hospitality. Shall we go oh fearless one? There are many people I must meet." she said, baring a shark-like grin at Datenshi. A whisper of Killing Intent caressed her frame; hinting at the predator that now resided in their midst. "Well, we don't have all day dearest, I know they're all just dying to meet the newest comrade. It would be rude to keep them waiting after such a long time." she noted as she turned. "It was nice meeting you boss. Finding a kindred spirit when it comes to a thorough understanding of the classical education was quite appreciated." Nue finished before preparing to depart.

"Twas a pleasure Nueteki." The man responded, walking off to his bookcase."This way then." Datenshi called, motioning for her to follow him. As he pushed open a door they began walking down a very long staircase. As they defended the spiral Datenshi began to speak. "So since the boss didn't hate you you're officially captain of the spade branch. There are four branches here: spade, heart, diamond, and club. The heart branch handles all drug distributions and creations all well as their distributors. The club branch handles all gambling and casino related business the syndicate controls. They also act as the head of security for the syndicate, usually guarding the compound. The diamond brach handles the territory wars and management of other gangs within the syndicates control. They also act as the leader of the gang's military forces and plot attacks. The spade brach, ours, handles money lending from the syndicate and collection of those loans. We're basically loan sharks in a way. Your job as captain is to help me collect debts and handle negotiations." Datenshi spoke before smiling. "I think you'll find this next part enjoyable. You are allowed to do whatever you want to anyone that refuses to pay. Anyone who hasn't payed you can rough up or destroy just not kill unless they make it clear they will never pay it."

What was shark-like turned sardonic before settling into a carefully neutral expression. "Sounds like a treat. Though I'm quite sure destroy constitutes elimination. Otherwise known as killing. Thus, you just gave me permission to off them should they simple refuse to pay it at that time. Never mind if they don't ever intend to give the due returns." she said with a grin. Cracking her knuckles as they descended along the spiral staircase. "Will we meet with the other branches today? Or do they operate on an isolationist basis with the exception of times where everyone is needed. I'd assume that there would be some level of regular communication between all four facets but I just wanted to clarify. After all, I'm sure we're more effective as a cohesive unit than we are as quarreling parts." Nueteki noted. Her intelligence shown throughout that statement, signifying an understated brilliance thought to be confined to yesteryear. Perhaps that was why she snapped so easily; a brittle twig is more liable to break then a sturdy branch. Part of her mapped their continued trek. "Are we headed to the archives or an underground meeting place." she questioned curiously, casually taking steps two at a time while actively pondering the state of her new compatriots.

"Actually the Boss's room is just in a high tower so we're walking down." Datenshi replied. "Anyways to answer your questions, we actually like to keep them alive unless they are absolutely refusing to pay their dues. We have monopolies on all of our areas so as long as we instill the fear that we will torment them those who break and pay will keep paying. If we followed a 'kill if you don't pay' policy we'd be out of clients. You remember that man I was beating when we first met right. He had no intention of giving us anything, I guarantee by morning we'll have received a payment and the new leader of that establishment won't think twice about crossing us. We are after all a business and if we murdered all our clients we would make no money. Those who aid us and treat our deals with respect are rewarded, those who don't are persuaded with whatever methods we deem fit to the agreeable side." Datenshi spoke as they reached the bottom of the staircase. He flung open the door and the two stepped into a waiting room. Datenshi walked past the desks and chairs before making a few more turns, brining them to a large wooden door. He gently pushed it open and revealed a massive room filled to the brim with bookshelves. The shelves stored everything one could imagine. In the row of shelves before them stood a beast of a man. He towered over them easily, his red hair shining in the rays of light from the windows. He was dressed up in a suit and minus the jacket and wore a sleek pair of reading glasses. Upon further inspection another man sat upon his shoulders. He was much smaller than them all. He had pure white hair and what seemed to be red stitches all over his body. He wore a lab coat over a pair of plain white overalls with red straps and a white dress shirt. "Nueteki I'd like to introduce you too the leaders of the heart and club branches, Kimuchi and Sensha. Sensha is the tall one."

Nueteki took that all into consideration. "I see, I suppose having a view from above can be pleasant." she conceded as they reached a rather unremarkable door. Passing through its confines they reached a more impressive entrance, one that hinted at something far more intrigued. Indeed, what lay inside excited her tremendously; the sheer quantity of texts, novels, and narratives at her disposal caused a genuine smile to appear. One that was surprisingly devoid of malice. "Amazing." Nue breathed. Her former library paled in comparison to what was offered here. And since she was constantly on the move, the woman couldn't easily store vast quantities of knowledge. Hence the woman was starved of knowledge, worsening her deranged condition. But for now at least, she had vast stores to explore, inciting the foreign emotion known as happiness. Though her smile darkened as she took in the two leaders, particularly the shorter one. Everything about his visage screamed chaos; not that she minded give the nature of their business. "A pleasure to meet you. It appears quite a few people around here are rather cultured. Or at least interested in the forsaken art of reading." she noted coolly, acknowledging Sensha's reading glasses. She studied Kimuchi with veiled curiosity, wondering about his origins, before characterizing him based upon their appearance. "The Mad Scientist and...we'll call you Stoic for now. What an interesting little group you've all assembled." the lady articulated, christening the two with nicknames. She expected more "bad apples" to follow. Though that only served to excite her further. "Shame, such a evil little cohort we have here. Are we all on timeout? Or perhaps they like us all in one place," she mused psychotically.

"Not quite mad just a" Kimuchi replied as he jumped down from his large buddy and landed before her. "I'm sure you've probably heard of me from the very very unflattering image of me painted by the village. I mean I did technically kill all those people but it was for science after all. Anyways I'm the head of the heart brach. I stick around here and work on creating new drugs to distribute along with being the medic of our base." He spoke as he walked up to her and tapped her abdomen. "Alright I have your medical report. Currently you have a tumor in the connective tissue between your body and your demon arm. If you're wondering how I can tell that it's demonic, I look over Datenshi here all the time." Kimuchi spoke, looking to him. "Hey it's not my fault assholes need to be taught a lesson. Plus it's not like stuff like that really hurts me." He noted. "Yeah yeah sure keep telling yourself that, we know how it went down when we first met." Kimuchi laughed, giving him a malevolent smile. "Anyways back to you though." He said as he turned back to Nueteki. "Besides the tumor and the normal cuts and bruises most people get out there you're in perfect health. As for the tumor I'll fix it right now." He moved forwards and placed his hand on her arm, in a moment he removed his hand and stepped away. "There you go the cells that made it up are eliminated. You should probably swing by me every once in a while for surgery, not to mention a couple adjustments so that thing doesn't eventually kill you." Kimuchi spoke.

She raised an eyebrow. "A tumor? What ever do you mean? Are you trying to say that this poor thing is bringing harm to me?" Nue asked, tapping her arm. The woman made note of the location that he gave, not surprised that it would occur in such a place. Likely the rest of her body and this appendage never saw eye to eye. If he expected her to be surprised by his keen eye, he would be disappointed. Despite his deranged nature, he was a sharp of a analyst as one could be, no doubt aiding his work. She noted that her arm didn't feel any different after he removed his hand; it felt like the usual maligned section of her body. "So you're going to fix me up doctor? More importantly should I trust an individual as psychotic as yourself?" she asked, though she left not a shred of doubt about her psychopathy. It's lurking nature leaped to the forefront with a grin that reminded one of the guards waiting at hell's gates. The whole expression was a chilling sight. "More importantly, what would surgery entail? If you don't mind me asking. And if you think I'm not capable of understanding medical jargon just try me. You may be surprised." Nueteki continued, experimentally swinging her bandaged arm to check for its cooperation. She made a note that these individuals were far more intelligent then appeared externally, something that furthered her interest. Despite her unstable constitution, she didn't want to spend her time around nincompoops. Thus she was heartened by the sight of this library among other ventures.

"I may be psychotic but I'm still a doctor. Unless your body is for experimenting on I'll do it no harm." The man replied as he stretched his arms behind his head and looked up at her. "Well what just happened was surgery." He laughed. "It was quick and simple but that's how most surgery I do is. You see I have no need to actually go inside the body. As long as I'm touching it I can kill or grow whatever cells I wish. The surgery was simply deleting the cells that made up your tumor." He informed her, the surgery was as simple as breathing to him. "Now to answer your question about the other potential surgeries and adjustments. By looking at your body I can see the demon cells were introduced haphazardly, whoever did it was probably a black market doctor or something, I can't imagine anyone else doing this poorly. You see the cells took over your arm and made it demonic but there i still a small path of your cells running through it. This is the reason you can even control it. These cells that make up the arm tend to attack the foreign cells around them regularly but they are usually fended off. However at some points the cells get into a heated fight where neither side and win, more and more pile up and a cluster is formed. My surgery thoughts were to simply keep those tumors under control however I have a few adjustment ideas I'm pondering." It was then that a large beep came from his lab coat pocket. He pulled out the device and nodded as he listened to the device. "Well there seems to be a medical emergency going on in my lab. Apparently one of my UV bulbs short circuited and one of my projects is waking. Come by my lab and I'll tell you about some possible adjustments." He called as he dashed out another door.

"Quite the rowdy one isn't he." The larger man mused, shutting his book. "It's a wonder how I put up with him." He was still talking to himself as he placed it back within the shelf titled gardening. He turned to the two and finally let out a smile. "Pleased to meet you Nueteki my name is Sensha. I'm the head of the club branch here and I run all the casinos and gambling. I'm also the head of security around the base so I'm usually always here. I also cultivated all the plants in this base." He informed her with a smile. "Hey Sensha grab me the third theory collection." A voice called from behind them. "Here ya go boss." He replied. A blue haired man waltzed by Datenshi and Nueteki and grabbed the book from his hands before walking our another door.

"Well you would guess correctly. It was a back alley doctor who proved responsible for this occurrence. Hence why I appear to be in such shambles." Nueteki retorted with a half-grin. "Oh dear, am I to become a lab rat that serves your twisted whims? A doctor who needs no invasive maneuvers to commence surgery and kill cells?" she questioned in mocking fashion. "I suppose I could drop by at some point to say hello, and see what that maniacal mind of yours has cooked up." Nue continued before turning serious. The man proceeded to leave the room as a situation occurred in his laboratory. Nueteki watched him exit before turning her attention to Sensha. "Excellent to make your acquaintance. I can see why they appointed you to such a position." she noted, gesturing to his massive proportions. "Though if you don't mind me asking, what made you decide to grow plants?" Such a hobby clashed greatly with her initial perception of the security head, causing her to wonder what would bring about such an avocation. Thus she prepared to wait for his answer, noting that it likely had intriguing information. "And you are?" she posed as a blue-haired individual slid between them, taking the book that was handed to him before immediately leaving. "Never appears we're quite the eclectic organization." Nue mused aloud, focusing her attention on the various volumes resting on a nearby shelf. The incredible variety on cemented her desire to spend quality time in this section. Hinting that she had never lost her thirst for knowledge even after her sanity was forfeit.

"Yes I am quite a tall man aren't I." Sensha laughed. His face then became very still as she spoke of his plants. His eye twitched a little as he turned away from them. "Why do I grow plants you ask. Well why shouldn't I, they are my beauties after all." He calmly spoke as a thorny vine extended from his sleeve, it wrapped itself around his arm and turned it's tip towards him. Sensha turned to meet the vine dead in the eyes, half of his face showing to them now. From the end of the vine a bud formed that grew and grew until it split open. Upon each petal were a mess of ooze and teeth, some of it's ooze dropped to the floor and burned a hole clean into the ground. "Yes these are my little pretties aren't they."Sensha laughed as he bet the grotesque horror. "Can you not do this in right now please, remember what happened to your last captain. I still don't hate mine so please cut it out." Datenshi sighed as darkness surrounded the plant and seemed to consume it. Sensha head snapped back and his face became a sweet smile again. "Terribly sorry about that." He sighed, adjusting his glasses. It wasn't quite an easy life with his other half. "You see if you've ever viewed the Konoha bingo book you probably saw a man called Green Thumb, that's me. I don't really know what happened but when I get all excited about my plants I just can't stop myself from feeding them. Problem is what I decided to feed them."

Nueteki eyed the poisonous plant, who's acid appeared to quite potent as far as the ground was concerned. "I mean its your prerogative, I was just curious about why someone such as yourself would choose such a pastime." she noted. She was unfazed by the plant's desire to eat her; indeed she would have quite the nasty surprise if it attempted to do such a thing. "What harmless play things you keep with you. I suppose you haven't made any friends with such methods." Nue smirked. The woman recalled hearing the Green Thumb epithet in passing during her days as an assassin. It was a confirmation of just how interconnected the underworld was. If nothing else the growing system made sure that all who were a part of it knew their own. Whether this was for fear, respect or the rare helping hand was anyone's guess. Yet it didn't matter given what Sensha was capable of; probably quite a few people met their deaths when facing him. She then remembered something from earlier. "Who was that guy that you referred to as boss earlier? He appeared to be quite the fascinating individual. Though given what I've seen so far I can't say that I am surprised." Nueteki stated. She pulled out a heavy novel that read "War and Peace" before thumbing through its contents. The woman was lightly familiar with the plot though a refresher was due.

"That would be the second in command of this place. His name is Shinkai and he's the leader of the ace branch. He's in control of the arms dealing businesses and he's also our trump card." Datenshi replied. "He's known for having a really bad temper. He's also the reason why Datenshi here is was even promoted to branch head. You see Datenshi was only sought out by the boss because our previous spade head was killed by Shinkai after a disagreement." Sensha added. "I mean he's pretty nice once you get to know him but the only person he actually likes is the Boss himself. Probably because he's the only one Shinkai can't kill." Datenshi commented. He then noticed what Nueteki had decided to pick out of the shelf. "Can you stop your damn polite society charade. You keep going on and on with this you pretentious bitch. When I met you you were a cocky asshole and that's why I picked you to join us, I didn't ask for this shit." He was absolutely done with her shit. It was shocking just how much she looked like she was trying to impress someone. Sensha put his hand on Datenshi's shoulder to calm him down. "Datenshi you must relax yourself." He spoke calmly as he turned to Nueteki. "I'm not entirely sure of the truth behind any of this. However if you are putting on an act you should probably drop it. Even if you are a scholar act normal." The man spoke in a clam but serious voice.

Nueteki grinned before placing the book on the shelf. "Is there a problem with being educated you little cunt?" she retorted, her voice full of snark. "If you think I spent my life as a fucking simpleton then you've got another thing coming to you. You think I'm trying to impress someone? Well, here's a newsflash. I don't give any shits about impressing these bastards. If you have a problem with me reading then fuck off. It's something I haven't been able to do in years and I'll be damned if I'm going to let some sick dipshit like you prevent me from doing so." Nue snapped, a feral gold gaze betraying her rage. She loved books, always had and always will. That this dude had the audacity to claim that she was putting on airs pissed her off to no end. "You want a cocky asshole who needs to be committed to an asylum? You have one right here. Though honey, there's more to that package then meets the eye." she said sweetly, though her voice dripped with venom. She laughed harshly at Sensha's statement. "Normal? Fuck normal. I hate the typical with a burning passion. So no, I won't act normal. Such insignificant trash would never find its way into my vernacular." Nueteki smirked. She added the rather advanced word at the end precisely because she knew it would tick Datenshi off further. If he didn't like that she was a boon for self-education then too fucking bad. He would learn to live with it or find some coping mechanism.

"That's the flair I'm looking for." Datenshi laughed as he slapped Sensha on the back. "Don't you love it." Sensha clearly did, he was ecstatic. "You were right about her for sure. You see that boss?" Sensha laughed as he waved to a camera in the upper corner of the library. "Oh man you do not fail to disappoint do you. If you're wondering what's going on I'll tell ya." Datenshi spoke, a large smile plastered on his face. "The boss stopped by and told me and Sensha he wanted to see the ruthless side of you so I decided to set you off." This out burst of pure rage was astounding. "For clarification the Boss accelerates in stealth so he stopped by while you were chatting with Kimuchi." Sensha clarified. Then a bookshelf exploded. "Jesus Christ Shinkai these were the bosses orders." Datenshi shouted towards the door he had left from. "So yeah as you can see quite an irritable guy."

Nueteki raised an eyebrow of inquiry at their hysterics. Her expression showed that she was clearly not amused by their hearty laughter or their secretive tones. Nue followed Sensha's wave as he addressed the boss. Sure enough, propped in the corner was a camera. Even before Datenshi uttered a word she knew this had been staged; like a cage animal she had been provoked just for the sake of seeking what viciousness she held. Such a fact caused her to swear colorfully as Datenshi laid out the plan that had occurred while she was having a simple conversation. If infuriated her as her gaze narrowed, only for the room to be rocked by a bookshelf's explosion. "What the hell was that for? Those books cost good money you bastard," she snarled at the door. Though she was secretly glad that at least one person didn't take kindly to such manipulation; not that Nueteki would articulate her thoughts in such company. "Enjoy your little game? Maybe I should rip your head off so I can play with it. I'll need something to occupy my time." she said, her mood souring quickly as she strode to the door Shinkai had exited through. Her fist collided with the handle, causing the entire frame to shudder violently. Nue dare not take her rage out on anything else lest it further damage what would likely be her safe haven.

"My head would make a horrible ball, far too heavy." Datenshi snickered. "Mine would probably bite peoples hands." Sensha chimed in. "Honestly we don't really care if your angry about it or not but that's standard procedure. Simply asking you to get angry would never actually yield the same results as making you angry." Datenshi spoke, then the damn door got smashed. "That's good, you can restrain yourself quite well." Datenshi noted, he knew she could've blown it down if she wished. Sensha then walked over to the old oaken door and placed his hand on it. They shook as their cracks filled in and the small amounts of warping reformed themselves, it look as if it had not been touched. "Hey can you go calm Shinkai down before he decides to blow up the library." Datenshi shouted to Sensha. The large man nodded and disappeared through the doors. "So if you're ready we can meet the leaders of the diamond branch now." Datenshi shouted, placing a book on dinosaurs back in the shelf.

"Oh I didn't plan on using it for a while. I was going to punt it away when I tired of it." she retorted. Nue cracked her knuckles as she gazed at the library. It's expanse felt heavenly. It was shame that hell awaited her; she shrugged at the tepid thought before walking over to. "Isn't that nice....the little demon-armed girl can control her temper tantrum." Nueteki said, her voice mimicking Datenshi's detached, blunt and sarcastic tone to the tee. "Must you shout? I'm right here you know. Unless you want the whole land to know of our presence." she continued, her tone losing its rage before filling itself with snark. "Let us tend to the jewels, they appear so lonely sitting on that mantel." she grinned icily before making her way to Dat's current location. Nue only hoped that the diamond bunch were just a bit more sane. Otherwise their family jewels would be forfeit. Despite her show of restraint, the lady was not one to be pushed, else only bad things could follow. Hence why people related her to Satan; they believed she could simply will bad things to happen. When in reality bad things simply followed her; maybe they were children clamoring for attention; either way, she cared little for public opinions.

"Indeed and she's so charming while she does it." Datenshi fired back. Oh the jewels, so poetic it brings a shiver to my spine." The man laughed as lead the way through the library and out a smaller metal door. They trudged through a dimly lit path and down another flight of stairs. As they exited the stairwell the walls turned to metal and the hall they walked along branched out into a humungous room. The place was fitted with various training dummies, weapon racks, a pool, and even a basketball court. "This is the training area, A pretty good place to test your skills or swim or something, kinda depends on who you are. To their left there was another door, It was adorned with many locks and a large vault wheel. Datenshi walked up to the door and pressed a buzzer. For a few moments nothing happened, then the locks slowly unlocked and the door flung open. Out stepped a gray haired man carrying a sheathed katana, it looked quite mechanical. He quickly slammed the door behind him but a horrible smell briefly lingered near the door. "Do you mind Datenshi we're very busy right now." The man spoke, giving him a pointed look. "Sorry Kakeru gotta introduce my new captain to everyone. "Hey Nueteki come on over and meet Kakeru." He motioned for her to join them. "Hello nice to meet you." He spoke rather coldly, earning him an elbow from Datenshi. "Fine fine I'm Kakeru the leader go the Diamond branch here. We handle all the territory disputes and relationships with other gangs. We also act as the general of the military here." The man finished, his finger impatiently tapping the sword.

The dreadful odor managed to reach Nueteki's nose, causing it to recoil while her interest in what was happening behind that door grew. She ignored the objects pointed out her by Datenshi; she would acquaint herself with them later. Nue also gave Datenshi a pointed look, one that threatened violence simply because she felt like it. "As Dat said, my name is Nueteki, newly christened captain of Spade branch. And what pray tell me are you doing that such a horrible stench would find its escape from that room?" she inquired. The man vibrated with haste; clearly there was something of importance happening beyond those walls. Only making her desire to know increase. "Surely you aren't conducting an unethical affair." Nue smirked, not caring about the petty notion of morality, regardless of it what other people thought. It had served her no purpose, thus it would not find its way into her heart. The woman would rather die than commit such unbecoming acts. Her eyes drifted to the man's sword, one that sacrificed the slim, deadly edge of a katana for something more mechanical. The woman's gaze radiated disapproval; she loved the traditional katana for it held such wicked and cunning beauty. The blade was a standard that represented what Nueteki aspired to. This ugly misshapen thing reminded her of the reality she faced, and the steady thrum of that sardonic appendage. Nevertheless it was her, and thus she had to accept it. "Was a proper katana inadequate for your purposes?" she said, hints of poison in her voice. She had not missed the coldness of his earlier tone.

"That smell is a morgue young lady." The man casually explained. "My haste is actually impatience, this imbecile interrupted me while I was practicing my form." Kakeru glared at Datenshi. "Oh boo hoo, shut up and introduce your partner," He spat back. With that the sword began to twist and shake as it's mechanical parts began to move apart and move into a more spread out form. Kakeru dropped the blade as it began morphing more and more. The parts began disappearing and in place of them it became flesh. The construct grew and grew as flesh replaced metal and soon a fairly tall man stood before them. "Datenshi." He laughed before pulling him into a hug. He then released him and look to Nueteki before pulling her into a small hug. He let go and stepped back. "Nice to meet ya I'm Choryuu, the other leader of the Diamond branch." Kakeru sighed "Please excuse my friend here, he's quite overly affectionate." He sighed. "Your probably wondering why I was a sword right? Well I'll tell ya, I'm a user of the Asura Path of the Rinnegan." He spoke beaming with pride. He then pointed his arm towards Datenshi and it quickly transformed into what seemed to be an large cannon. It then quickly transformed back.

"A Rinnegan user.....wonderful; and here I thought the potential for such encounters had ended long before I was born." Nueteki sighed. It had become common knowledge with Amegakure that their former leader possessed those feared and coveted eyes. Not that she had seen the dōjutsu or its abilities in action before. Yet here she was faced to face with a Asura Path user. "Ah yes, the one that allows you alter your form for the purpose of creating lethal weaponry no?" Nue inquired. She had taken the liberty of reading as much as she could about the recent and ancient history of the world. Often obtaining knowledge through both legal and illegal channels. Nue stiffened when Choryuu hugged her, Killing Intent rolling off of her in waves. The idea of affection eluded her regularly, enough for the woman to give Chor a warning growl after he let go. "Don't ever touch me again understood? I hate hugs." she spat. Though she watched with grudging respect as he displayed an effortless transformation with his arm. Perhaps he would be a good ally to have. Nevertheless, his bubbly nature was clearly out of place in such a rough and tumble establishment. Regardless of how they chose to embellish the place, it was still a gang/mob affair. It was at the moment she remembered that she hadn't introduced herself to the newest addition. "My name is Nueteki. Like I said earlier, I'm the new captain of the Spade branch." she stated plainly. This eclectic group was starting to irritate her given how random they appeared. There was very little that appeared logical about the setup as far as their personalities were concerned.

"I'm not a rinnegan user I'm just a user of the asura path." Choryuu replied. "You see I was an experiment for a long time, I escaped and these guys took me in." He added. "Oh yeah I can transform my body into anything I can imagine." He stared at her oddly as she reacted so coldly to his hug. "That's weird." He responded. In his eyes human contact itself was great. It constantly reassured him that no matter what kind of freak he was people still accepted him and didn't run screaming. It hurt him a little that she didn't like it but she didn't really know about him yet, it probably wasn't about him. "Oh great a new captain for you Datenshi. What made you pick her? Her looks? Her power? Her cool arm bandage?" He pressed for information. Datenshi sighed, he wasn't exactly keen on sharing his thoughts but he wouldn't leave the man hanging. "It was mostly her power and attitude. She seems fitting for a captain and she probably needed us a more than we needed her." He spoke with his usual calm face. He wouldn't dance around it. When he met her regardless of their interaction he saw she was struggling, she was in the same boat as most of the people he knew here.

She looked up sharply at Datenshi, her gold gaze molten with diligently concealed fury. "Struggling? What makes you think I was struggling? A reputation that precedes me and commands both a higher price and respect. I have exactly what I need from this world; fear. It helps me sleep at night. Plus it tastes delicious. So why would I need you guys?" Nueteki questioned, her tone pleasantly dangerous. It clear that this subject needed to be dropped immediately otherwise there would be issues. She blinked in surprise when he noted that his prowess was independent of the Rinnegan. Then again, Nue was the product of a shady back alley doctor. If he could produce such a blend, why should a lab technician not have the capability to isolate components of a great dōjutsu? She sighed, visibly irritated by Datenshi's offhand comment, while realizing that he might be correct about her needing them. Just a little anyways. Their library was the culprit and nothing else. Any attachment to the various members could be summed up by the number zero. While she found the overt friendliness of the Asura Path user incredibly infuriating. "So a lab rat. Sounds like a unfulfilling life to me." she noted, addressing his comment from earlier.

Datenshi shrugged off her comment, he wasn't really interested in how she took it. Choryuu just stared at them until Nueteki asked him another question. "Well it was pretty bad at first. You see due to some circumstances during the testing process and all I'm only able to eat human meat, my body rejects everything else. It was hard at first but after I broke out and met The Boss he keeps bodies that we kill and lets me eat them, hence the smell and the door. On the plus side I'm able to destroy an army on my own, not to mention how much damage me and Kakeru can do together. I've still kept my sanity though so that's probably what I'm most thankful for." Choryuu answered, his face held a soft smile. "Oh should I give her the rundown?" Choryuu questioned, looking to Datenshi for an answer. "Yeah go for it." He responded. "Ok so as a captain you should know the branch leaders powers. Datenshi has various demon abilities as well as a special type of energy his clan uses. He's also a literal master of dark release. Sensha is a master of wood and fire release. His wood is especially cool because he can create new and crazy plants on a whim. Kimuchi is a medic who can manipulate cells and mastered water release. He's also really good with knives and has tons of crazy drugs at his disposal. Kakeru is a master of charka control and has an almost limitless supply. He once created and army of clones that wouldn't fall until they were killed like a normal human, they could even get stabbed through the heart and fight for a few more moments. As for myself you already know what I can do. Shinkai and The Boss are classified however so you might get a glimpse but you'll never be told." Choryuu finished with a smile.

If Choryuu expected Nueteki to be horrified by such a statement, he was to be disappointed. "I suppose that's a better use of corpses. It's too much effort to dig a hole in the ground for trash like them." she said while shrugging. Part of her expected that he would eat well now that she was on board. If there was one thing that she had learned to excel in, it would be murder. "Meh, sanity's boring; such a temperament is far too predictable. Besides, it's fun keeping people on their toes." Nue continued. She then patiently listened as he gave a sizable rundown of all abilities utilized by the various leaders in this organization. "A wood release user. That's a rare sight, I suppose he's a Senju? Or was he given such an attribute through synthetic means?" Nue questioned. Her smile became malicious as she heard a favorite phrase of hers: Dark Release. It made sense that her and Datenshi gravitated towards each other given their shared abilities. The others also possessed quite a few useful attributes; it appeared there was good company to be kept. "Sounds fantastic. I knew I liked Datenshi for a reason." she said, punching him playfully in the shoulder. Despite the other information remaining classified, she expected those two to have even higher levels of prowess. Something that excited her deeply. Especially if a humble individual like Kakeru could create a nearly insurmountable force of clones.

"I believe he's from a branched off family so it was quite rare for him to awaken it." Choryuu explained. Datenshi watched as the two conversed before Nueteki walked over and punched him in the arm. He returned the gesture with a small bop to her shoulder. "Wow someone finally likes me." Datenshi sputtered in amazement. Causing Kakaeru to finally break his hard look and laugh. "Well I believe that finally wraps up your introduction to our world here." Datenshi spoke with a wave of his hand to beckon Nueteki to turn and follow him. However he stopped in his tracks when he saw The Boss standing before them. He had entered without a sound, his presence wasn't even sense-able until now. "So how was the tour Nueteki? I hope my captains were nice to you." He spoke joyously. Even if his face was hidden by a mask you could feel the smile on it.

She nods at Choryuu's comment. "Makes sense. Sound miraculous even." The woman gave a half-hearted wave as she turned to head back. "Not quite, you do realize we have our branch to uncover; namely yourself. You and others have told me snippets of your tale. Surely there is more to it." Nue continued. Before registering The Boss's appearance. That he managed to enter so discreetly irritated her regardless of how strong he was. It made her feel like her edge had dulled; a sentiment she was not to pleased with. "The tour was pretty good. You have quite the characters assembled." Nueteki responded. "Though I'll admit your archive/library is impressive. I'll probably spend some time there in the future. They were for the most part. Sensha's plant tried to eat me but that was no fault of his. It was a wicked thing and I happen to love wicked things." she grinned.

"Oh that Sensha and his plants. If he wasn't so careful this whole place would be a jungle." The Boss laughed with a shrug. "I'm glad you enjoyed it though, it's gonna be your new home from now on." He paused slightly as if to consider something. "You know if you enjoy books so much we could build you a little library of your own in your room, Sensha's pretty handy like that." The man finished before walking to the door. "Enjoy your first three days cause come your fourth it'll be time to begin your work." He laughed as he disappeared into the maze of halls. Datenshi motioned for Nueteki to follow him and led her through the maze to a large black door. Within the room sat an array of gray shelves filled with documents, carefully labeled. These were the many debts that were kept on record. Beyond that room sprawled a hall with many door on either side. At the end lie a large black door with Datenshi's name on it. To it's left was another black door with no label on it. Datenshi pushed to door open and led Nueteki into the space. It was quite spacious and currently only decorated with a plain queen bed and a desk. An open closet sat to the left of the bed and in the corner was a door that one would assume led to a bathroom. Datenshi sat on the wooden floor and looked around at the white walls. Welcome to your room here, I hope you actually decorate it. My last captain was extremely against material objects." Datenshi sighed, mumbling under his breath about how plain it was.

He then recalled the question she asked him earlier. "Oh you wanna hear my entire tale huh. Well I might as well you are gonna be serving under me after all." The man stretched as he prepared to share his tale. "Well it all starts in the land of demons where I was born. My clan, The Ryoushi, are the reason demons don't really get outside of that land. Long ago my ancestors learned to harness demonic energy and it became a practice in my clan. See this energy does at least ten times the damage anything un enhanced by it would do to demons. When I was born I was told my dad was dead and I lived with my mother. As I grew people began to notice strange things. I was able to use the very complicated dark release at an age of five, something that took my mother years of training to bring out. However when i turned eight the elders began to notice demonic energy lingering around me. This was odd as it even lingered at times when I wasn't trying to gather it. The elders began questioning things and with enough digging they learned my father wasn't dead, but a demon. They labeled me as a freak and thought it would be best to end my life and "cleanse" me. My mother bought me enough time to run but was killed for her betrayal. I couldn't escape the country as it was patrolled by my clan and fate apparently chose my side. I ran into my father and he aided me. I trained under him for ten years before finally setting off. I still hunt demons but just those who inconvenience me or have absurd powers. I met The Boss two years later and worked under him ever since." He finished his tale with a smile.

Nueteki followed him before entering what was to be her place of residence. It was quite grand in terms of proportions, something that pleased her greatly. She recalled what The Boss had mentioned earlier about Sensha constructing a library for her. The woman made a note to ask the Wood user about such a task later. "Don't worry, this room won't be sparse for long. I plan on cramming as many shelves as this place will allow." she responded with a grin of her own. Nue sat on the edge of the bed while listening to Datenshi's tale. It was rather interesting, particularly that he was properly descended from a demon, as opposed to having artificial injections like she did. "So you're from the Land of Demons. That means your quite a ways from home now. To think that a demon would copulate with a human." she pondered thoughtfully, having never considered such a notion. Though she supposed such a thing was entirely within the realm of possibility. Her days of a sheltered life within Amegakure were far behind her it appeared. "They sound despicable. Though I suppose most humans are; with the exception of your mother of course. Makes me wish I had so such selfless parents to call my own." Nue continued. In her madness, the woman had forgotten her humanity, no longer considering herself apart of that group. "Nevertheless, I thank you for your narrative. I doubt you're the type to tell anyone about such things. So I take it as a sign of good faith that you chose to divulge this to me. You already know my story. Though I suppose if you have any further questions about it I can answer them." she noted. The sardonic lass gazed at the walls, imagining how large the bookshelves would need to be in order to fit the space properly. She hated wasted potential, thus she planned on doing so. With a sigh, her head came to rest on the bed, turning her stare to the ceiling. "This is going to be amusing." she commented vaguely, absorbing all she had learned over the course of the day. Nightfall close at hand.

Datenshi shook his head. "I think I've gathered all I need from your story." He stood from his position and stretched his arms over his head before letting out a large yawn.He then moved to the door and opened it to find a bag waiting. He scooped it up and tossed it onto the bag beside Nueteki. "Boss thougth you might need a change of clothes since we'll be going to gather your belongings tomorrow." He then moved back to the door. "Pleasant Dreams." He sang as the door shut behind him. Datenshi then moved to the large black door across the hall. He placed his hand on it and a small red pulse released itself before the door unlocked. He strolled into the dark room, shutting the door with his foot. His fireplace was still blazing and documents littered the desk he slumped down in front of. The cloak he wore turned back to shadows as stared into the flames. "I wonder if Kiki will suit her." He mused as he turned back to his documents, ready to finish his job.
